Arts for Learning Provides Creative Resources to Over 1000 Indianapolis Youth
Contact: Jessica Dunson
Marketing & Communications Specialist
Arts for Learning Indiana
[email protected]
(317) 925-4043 ext. 120
April 28, 2020
On Friday, April 24th, Arts for Learning provided over 1000 art activity kits (ARTables) to the Indy Parks Food Program, Indianapolis Housing Agency, and Carriage House East Apartments. ARTables are hands-on learning activities designed to provide youth and their families with at-home art experiences. The first set of ARTables activities were created by two Arts for Learning Teaching Artists, Kris Hurst and Sofiya Inger. The kits include materials such as construction paper, glue, yarn, and instructions to craft a Geometric Mobile or Alien Mask. A portion of the kits will be distributed tomorrow, April 29th, at Windsor Village Park Drive By Food Pantry located at 6510 E 25th St, Indianapolis, IN 46219 from 12:00pm – 1:00pm. The ARTables initiative also provides income for our teaching artists who have lost arts-integrated programming opportunities due to school closures and gives youth without access to our online art activities, Take 5 with Arts for Learning , a chance to engage in art education.

In addition to our ARTables initiative, Arts for Learning has received funding from various partners including The Indianapolis Foundation, a Central Indiana Community Foundation Affiliate and The Arts Council of Indianapolis to create a project called “Signs of Solidarity” (S.O.S). S.O.S. are public art yard signs designed by Teaching Artists including Visual Artist Gary Gee, who designed the first 10 signs that will be placed at Indy Parks Food Program locations and in local Indianapolis neighborhoods. The S.O.S also includes messaging printed by our sponsor Brainstorm Print that encourages residents to share a photo of the signs on our social media pages @arts4learningIN by using #INthistogether and #IndyKeepsCreating. Residents can help support our teaching artists, ARTables, and S.O.S by donating to our Emergency Relief Fund here: https://artsforlearningindiana.org/arts-for-learning-emergency-relief-fund/

Since 1961, Arts for Learning has been empowering children to achieve their creative and intellectual potential through arts-integrated education. Arts for Learning employs more than 70 teaching artists who provide performances, workshops, and residencies to schools, libraries, parks and community organizations to reach nearly 40,000 Indiana children every year.