Board Resources

Welcome Arts for Learning Board Members!

Our Mission
Arts for Learning empowers youth and expands their learning through creative arts experiences.

Our Vision
Arts for Learning envisions a future where all youth have access to engage in creative arts experiences.

Our Values
Arts for Learning values high-quality, participatory arts experiences that nurture creativity, build cultural understanding, and improve learning and life skills.

Arts for Learning transforms education and engages youth through the arts by connecting schools and communities with professional teaching artists.

Board of Directors Statement on Diversity & Inclusion

Arts for Learning is committed to diversity in all aspects of its mission and activities and at all levels of the organization, including its Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors highly values diversity and supports the election and appointment of diverse candidates to the Board. The Board believes that having directors of diverse gender, race, and ethnicity, along with varied skills, perspectives and experiences, contributes to a balanced and  effective Board — one that is well-positioned to address the changing needs of the organization and the communities and children we serve.

The Board is committed to administering a board election process that encourages and promotes the consideration of diverse candidates. Additionally, the Board acknowledges that it considers diversity, among other factors, when nominating and approving individuals for open
board positions.

The Board also supports diversity and inclusion in its teaching artists, programming and staff. We value diversity in these areas of our  organization to better reflect the demographics, serve the unique culture of the children and community we serve, and provide services that are welcoming, inclusive, and culturally responsive.

It is the policy of Arts for Learning to engage teaching artist and provide equal employment opportunities to individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, physical or mental disability, military status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, citizenship status, or any other category protected by federal, state, or local law.



We, Arts for Learning, the Indiana Affiliate of Young Audiences, need the full participation of our Board to fulfill our mission and to guide, govern, and set policy in an ethical and thoughtful way. We ask Board members to:

  • Attend at least 4 of the 6 bi-monthly Board meetings
  • Volunteer for at least 2 Arts for Learning events each year
  • Respond to communications from and with other Board members and staff
  • Serve on at least one Board committee/task force
  • Represent the organization and engage new people at one program event per year (school performances and residencies, community program events)
  • Cultivate donors and friends for the organization

Financial Participation

Arts for Learning seeks a major portion of its contributed income from foundation sources. These funding sources often encourage or even require that the Board of Directors have 100% giving participation; that is, that each Board member makes an annual gift to the organization, and a capital gift, if a campaign is in progress. The following are the Arts for Learning financial participation requirements:

Annual Gift: All Board members shall make a substantial annual gift each year. One thousand ($1000) dollars is suggested. Monthly payment plans are accepted. The annual gift commitment shall be received by September 30 of each calendar year. The annual gift shall be received by June 30 of the fiscal year.

Solicitation: Board members will seek, on behalf of Arts for Learning, resources to support annual operations and special events or campaigns by suggesting individual or corporate donors for cultivation and potential solicitation by the Development Committee.

Advocacy and Cultivation

An effective Board member will:

  • Be a public representative of the organization in the community.
  • Bring friends and business connections to the organization.
  • Share expertise and talent with Arts for Learning for the good of the organization.

What does Arts for Learning provide in return?

  • The opportunity to have a real and positive impact on the community we serve.
  • The highest quality of artistic and educational programs offered to Indiana schools and communities.
  • A receptive and professional staff to support the efforts of Board members.
  • Candid and timely communication.
  • Membership in a congenial community of arts and education appreciating individuals.

To join any of these committees, email the respective Chair.

Executive Committee (by election)

Meeting: Every 2nd Thursday of the month at 8:30am
Committee Chair: Susan Oliver
Staff Lead: Anya Aslanova
Committee Members: Todd Clevenger, Allison Meta
Term Information: 2 year commitment

The Executive Committee consists of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. Find Exec. Committee role information here. The primary responsibilities of the Executive Committee are to:

  • Discuss/provide guidance to the President on any emerging issues, problems, strategic decisions, and important initiatives.
  • Provide leadership at board meetings and retreats.
  • Report to the full board on official decisions and actions that do not require a full board vote.
  • Review the President’s performance and compensation.
  • Develop and recommend governance procedures. 
  • Recruit new board members and recommend qualified candidates to the Board of Directors for vote.
  • Advise the board with respect to the board terms, composition, procedures and committees.
  • Review and monitor board engagement including providing recommendations for board development materials.

Business Planning, Audit, and Finance Committee

Meeting: Every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 9am
Committee Chair: Allison Meta

Staff Lead: Jeanette Huber/Alisia Morales
Committee Members: Amandula Anderson, Anya Aslanova

The primary responsibilities of the Business Planning & Finance Committee are to:

  • Oversee the management of organization-wide financial assets.
  • Review investment policies and suggest strategies for economic development.
  • Review financial results.
  • Help establish and maintain an appropriate business plan.
  • Review and recommend the approval of an annual operating budget.
  • The integrity of financial statements.
  • Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Independent auditors’ qualifications.
  • The performance of the organization’s internal audit function.
  • Management of market, credit, liquidity and other financial and operational risks.

Development Committee

Meeting: Every Month
Committee Chair: Kate Appel
Staff Lead: Jennifer Collins
Committee Members: Kelly Teller, Sara Lootens (non board member), Jessica Knudsen-Bahney, Anya Aslanova

The primary responsibilities of the Development Committee are to:

  • Approve the organization’s annual fundraising goals.
  • Plan ways to increase financial and other resources for Arts for Learning.
  • Fostering a culture of philanthropy among board members and ensuring 100% board financial participation by tracking and reporting.
  • Encourage board members in their own fundraising efforts.
  • Recruit potential individual and corporate donors.
  • Engage and communicate with existing individual and corporate donors. 
  • Assist staff in planning fundraising events.
  • Support planned giving goals.

Marketing & Advocacy Committee

Meeting: Monthly
Committee Chair: Lisa Waite
Staff Lead: 
Committee Members: Todd Clevenger and Bill Mahoney

The primary responsibilities of the Marketing & Advocacy Committee are to:

  • Help increase awareness of the mission, vision and values based on the organization’s priorities.
  • In partnership with staff, develop communication strategies for increased and enhanced donations. 
  • Develop strategies on how to communicate Arts for Learning’s message to potential donors and program partners.
  • Develop a strategy for event marketing.
  • Accelerate engagement in public policy and build a collective awareness of the value of arts in education.
  • Oversee the planning of an inclusive marketing strategy for all constituents.

Programology Committee

Meeting: Every Other Month
Committee Chair: Dr. Teresa Baker 
Staff Lead: Clockwork Janz

Committee Members

  • Board: Susan Michals, Daphne Chiu
  • Non-board: Tracey Swinton (Pike) ; Erin Naylor (Pike) ; Rachel Sharpe (IPS) ; Amber Price (Edison); Patricia Altamirona (Global Prep) Christen Peterson (on maternity leave)
  • Staff: Ploi Pagdalian

The primary responsibilities of the Programology Committee are to:

  • Research and connect with organizations that promote STEAM.
  • Review, assess, and recommend relevant and high quality programs.
  • Approve policies and procedures for the teaching artist roster.
  • Assist with artist auditions, assessments, and plans for professional development.
  • Support the staff with the planning and implementation of program events.
  • Facilitate the adjudication of the annual Anna Award for teaching artists.

Board Meetings

Third Thursday every other month
Arts for Learning
4:45 pm–6:00 pm


Arts Pop Gala

June 2, 2022 | 6:30 – 10:00pm

The Heirloom

Young Audience National Conference

March 30 – April 1, 2022

New Orleans, LA

April 2022

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