Artists Building Community
The Artists Building Community (ABC) Fellowship is an inquiry-based, people-centered approach that empowers teaching artists building partnerships in their community. The Fellowship pairs an Arts for Learning Teaching Artist, a Lead Teacher, and an AFL staff member in an 18-month deep dive into the culture of a school community.

third space
An installation of a transformative work of art created by established local artists.
ArtForce Summer Program
ArtForce is a three-week summer program perfect for high school students interested in exploring the arts as a possible college and/or career options.

Wolf Trap
Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts is the flagship education program of Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts. A nationally recognized leader in early childhood arts-based learning, Wolf Trap Institute trains early childhood educators to use the performing arts as a teaching strategy to engage children in active learning across curricula. Arts for Learning Indiana is proud to be Central Indiana Wolf Trap.
Fresh StART
Fresh StART aims to enhance a school’s sense of pride and strengthen its connection to the surrounding community by improving an underused area, within or around the school, with an art installation inspired by students.

Arts & Literacy
Arts & Literacy is a year-long residency that utilizes a school’s reading and language arts curriculum as the basis for artist-led workshops, reinforcing reading and literacy goals. Teaching artists connect learning in the arts with students’ literacy lessons in the classroom, reinforcing student understanding of grade-level specific reading and ELA standards, increasing literacy growth, and emphasizing SEL competencies.