Arts Integration Residency for Educators Fellowship

The Arts Integration Residency Educator Fellowship is an opportunity for Indiana educators to partner with teaching artists to develop and implement creative, arts-integrated residencies for the students in their classroom. Made possible through a partnership between the Indiana Department of Education and the Indiana Arts Commission, and administered by Arts for Learning.

Applicant Eligibility

The applicant author:
  • Must be a licensed educator employed to teach any grade K – 12 during the 2022/23 school year.
  • Must be employed by a school operating in Indiana during the 2022/23 school year.
  • Must be employed by a public school, public charter school, or accredited nonpublic school
  • Be an Indiana resident and remain a full time Indiana resident through the end of the fellowship period.
  • Must complete a brief online training before applying.
Eligible Fellowship Projects:
  • Must be an in-school arts-integrated residency.
    • In-school means during the traditional school day, not after school hours.
    • Arts-integrated means the combination of arts learning with learning in another academic or life-skills subject in the same lesson.
    • Residency means five (5) or more scaffolded workshops with the same students
  • Must have an Arts for Learning teaching artist selected as a co-planner and residency leader
    • The roster of AFL teaching artists is available here:
FIND a Teaching Artist
  • All fellowship projects must have a minimum of five (5) workshops with the teaching artist (approximately 45-60 mins per workshop) for the same students. Workshops may occur on consecutive days, multiple days in a week, or extend over multiple weeks.

Ready to apply? Ask your Arts for Learning contact for the access code.

Spring Semester 2023 application dates:

  • January 15
  • February 15
  • March 15

Fall Semester 2023 application dates:

  • All applications submitted after March 15, 2023
  • July 15
  • August 15: Final application date

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to have a teaching artist already selected?
A: Yes, the application will ask you to supply the artist bio and answer why this artist is the best fit for your residency project.

Q: Do I need to have my residency already planned out before applying?
A: You will need to have the teaching artist(s) selected and committed, but the actual residency plan does not need to be finished. These fellowship funds will cover planning time for both artist and teacher as well as implementation expenses.

Q: What is the required training?
A: An Introduction to Arts Integration training is required before applying to this fellowship, and will help provide responses within the application. This is available online as a Google Classroom course, and should take no more than two hours to complete. Your time to complete this training can be factored into the budget as an allowable expense.

Q: Can a teacher use the funding for multiple classrooms they teach?
A: Selecting one class to receive the residency experience is the most simple approach, but as long as the residency meets other eligibility criteria (minimum five (5) days per group, fits the budget, etc), you may use the budget to include more than one classroom of students.

Q: Can multiple teachers from one school submit an application?
A: Yes. If the teachers are otherwise eligible (meet all other criteria listed above), multiple teachers from the same school may apply for the grant.

Q: Can a teaching artist be the co-planner and residency leader for more than one application?
A: Yes, but we will want to see each application be unique in its response to the unique characteristics of the students participating in the residency (meaning, not the same application answers copied and pasted into two different applications).

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